Let the Himalayan Salt Sink In

Many of us think that salt is bad for us, that it can increase our blood pressure. Regular table salt is indeed not good for us and can increase blood pressure. Regular table salt is a brand such as Morton’s.

However, natural salt, such as Himalayan salt, can lower our blood pressure and, we understand, can also help the thyroid. 

What is Himalayan salt? It is a “type of rock salt that’s mined from the Punjab region in Pakistan, particularly in the Khewra Salt Mine. Ninety-eight percent of Himalayan salt is sodium chloride, while the remaining percentage accounts for trace minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and vanadium.” (1)

In fact, Himalayan salt contains up to 84 different trace minerals while regular table salt is known to contain only sodium and chlorine. Himalayan salt can help hydration due its mineral content. We sometimes add a bit to our water.

In addition, Himalayan salt contains no additives, raw and less processed or unprocessed. Regular table salt is bleached and processed, “mixed with anti-caking agents like monosodium glutamate or sodium ferrocyanide.”(1)

Still, too much Himalayan salt is too much and too little is too little. (1) Click to see more information on foodfacts.mercola.com.

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